Garage Roller Doors Safety

Garage roller doors are a great addition to your home because of their ease of use, their convenience and the added security they offer. You, however, need to know some safety features, precautions and measures surrounding garage roller doors to ensure you get the most out of them and do so safely.

Do You Have Children?

Children love playing in front of the garage door, often because that is where there is plenty of room and solid concrete or stone flooring to bounce things like balls.

Before you open or close the garage roller door, confirm that your child or children are not near the garage door to prevent injuries. Additionally, regardless of whether your garage door is operated manually or automatically, keep the garage roller door operating mechanism away from your child's reach. Your child might interpret the opening and closing of the garage door as a fun game, which can lead to an injury.

Garage Roller Door Safety Features

Most garage doors come with safety features to minimise the chances of injury. The two most common types of safety features are:

  • Safety obstruction force

If your garage door is slowly coming down and finds an obstruction on its way (a person or your vehicle), it will lightly try to push down, but if it faces some resistance, it will reverse and open. This resistance is what is referred to as a safety obstruction force. You can already tell that it can cause some minor injury if you are on the roller door's path and some minor damage if your car is on its path.

  • Electric safety beam

This might be more expensive than the safety obstruction force feature. If something passes in the path of the garage roller door, it automatically reverses. The object or person that passes under the garage roller door interrupts or blocks the electric safety beam, which signals the roller door to reverse. Contrary to the safety obstruction force feature, the electrical safety beam safety feature causes no minor injury or damage since the garage door does not come into contact with the object or person under it.

Get Repairs Done by a Professional as Soon as Possible

If your garage door fails or malfunctions, do not try to assess what could be wrong, especially if the garage door is open. It is recommended to contact a professional roller door repair contractor for assessment and repair; DIY garage door repairs can cause serious injuries.
